Portraits, Process, Progress.

I find myself not really feeling like I can take decent portraits. Thought out well planned execution was never really something I practiced. I have tried and tried to learn editing software, while still detesting it at the same time. Im making progress which is odd.

I am glad to be able to work with people like my new family, and model Jessika. These people tolerate my obsession to bring a camera to everything. Ball games, family functions, and daily life. I am inspired by the slightest thing and often wish I had a camera and am now able to to carry one everywhere.

Fathers day photos are sitting on some Ilford HP5 400 that I haven’t developed yet. I use a monobath from Cinestill so I like to do big batches at a time. Big for me is 2-3 rolls. Thank you for reading and staying tuned to this journey I’m on.

Reach Jessika @jesswiththek on Instagram.


The 4th, an odd milestone.


Fathers Day! How Odd!