
We often find ourselves stuck. This pandemic is showing us that we took things like travel for granted and never really stopped to see the odd things. Things that weren’t popular or off the beaten path.

I will be traveling to end a chapter of my year. I hope that this summer has been great for all of you reading this. I know it’s the beginning for me and I will be showing more work. Please enjoy this gem shot I’m sad to say on what was at the time a state of the art cell phone. The iPhone 7. This odd amusement ride caught my eye in a mall in Overland Park, KS.

Oh the joy this must have brought to the children, and parents alike. May this bring you joy to see it as it was and hopefully still is. The mall is dying and so are her internal attractions. Enjoy them while you can.


Opportunities, remembrance, and appreciation.


Odd place for a cabin……